Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Sopa con pasta
February 1st, 2018
La Cena (dinner)
February 2nd, 2018
Cafe de Indias
After a long five days, I have finally been able to adjust to the lifestyle in Spain. First off, the meals here are very different. Here is how my meals are. Breakfast is a small meal, often milk and cereal with a piece of toast and juice very early in the morning. Oh, fun fact: juice in Sevilla is not jugo, it's zumo. Because breakfast is light and eaten early, around 10:30 or mid-morning, a second breakfast is eaten. This could include going to a bar or cafe to grab another coffee or even entire second breakfast. The coffee here is absolutely amazing, and relatively cheap. Lunch is eaten between the hours of 2 and 4, also siesta time, and is very heavy. Often it includes a salad, an entree that´s protein heavy, and dessert: yogurt or fruits. I have fallen in love with the organic oranges my home stay mom buys. The oranges that grow on the trees are not to be eaten; marmalade is made from those oranges. Siesta is a real thing here. It is not necessarily "nap time," but it is a time to rest, read, watch television, etc. Many stores are also closed for siesta. Dinner is eaten between the hours of 8:30 and 10:30 pm. This is very different than the U.S. So far, dinner has consisted of soups with a side of veggies or pasta/carbs and dessert. I do miss, however, the spices from Indian food.

Río Guadalquivir
Over these past 5 days, I have also been touring around Sevilla and traveling throughout southern Spain. I must say, each day I see more and more beauty in the city. However, you'd think that it would be sunny and nice and warm here,
right? No. It's been in the high 40s, low 50s with cold wind so far, not as cold as Chicago but still cold. The residents of Sevilla are  absolutely very nice and understanding as well as my professors. They allow you to figure everything out on your own unless you absolutely cannot find the words. Also, I learned that scoops for ice cream and gelato are called bonbons! Isn't that name fun?! So far Sevilla has been great. I have made many friends through my school who are all very sweet and amazing to be around.
I cannot wait to keep exploring!

February 4th, 2018

Plaza de España
February 3rd, 2018


February 6, 2018

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